Criminal Records
National Criminal Database Search
Search Summary:
This search provides same-day access to the largest criminal database available, currently containing over 180 million records. As a valuable supplementary resource to the County Criminal Court Search, this search may discover convictions in counties not identified through the Social Security Trace. These records are indexed from state correctional facilities, sex offender lists, and some state and county records.
Information Reported:
Not all states/counties report to the National Criminal Database, however the contributing jurisdictions may provide:
- Records from State Correction Facilities
- State Repository and County Criminal Court Records
- Felony Cases, Misdemeanors and Warrants
- Sex Offender Records (when ordered)
Average Turn-Around:
Same Day
*The confirmation of hits can extend the turn-around to our average of 1-3 business days.
Per the FCRA, Occuscreen will confirm all hits in the National Criminal Search through the County Criminal Court Search, or comparable Statewide Search, to avoid the reporting of stale and/or incorrect data.

County Criminal Court Search
Search Summary:
The County Criminal Court Search provides information on felony and misdemeanor convictions along with pending cases. Occuscreen provides onsite county criminal searches at the 3000+ county courthouses across the country. Using our network of researchers, along with FCRA and State guidelines, we’ll provide access to the most up-to-date and comprehensive data available.
Information Reported:
- Felony Convictions
- Misdemeanor Convictions
- Pending Cases
- Date and Nature of Offense
- Disposition
- Current Status
Average Turn-Around:
1-3 Business Days
*In some cases, a court search may be “clerk assisted” and/or a record may need to be “un-archived”/confirmed, which can extend the turn-around for this search.
Please note, some county courts charge an access fee for criminal records. This fee will be passed along during the ordering process. In addition, some states use a comprehensive Statewide system, rather than county level access. If fees do not vary on the statewide system, Occuscreen will process the full state for clients (and will contact a client if additional fees do apply prior to processing).

Federal Criminal Database Search
Search Summary:
Occuscreen searches the Criminal Federal Courthouse Database records through the Federal Public Access to Courts Electronic Records (PACER), which usually provides same day results. This search obtains the case and docket information from Federal Appellate, District and Bankruptcy courts. This may include convictions of crimes which occurred on federal property and convictions of federal crimes such as tax evasion, drug trafficking and mail and wire fraud.
Information Reported:
- Case and File Number
- Type of Offense
- Date of Offense
- Arrest or Filing
- Disposition
Average Turn-Around:
1-3 Business Days

Sex Offender Search
Search Summary:
This search provides information from a nationwide list of sex offender databases and websites. Any adverse information found in the initial search, is confirmed through the sex offender website and/or registry in the specific state where the offender is registered.
Average Turn-Around:
Same Day
Some states have restrictions on the use of Sex Offender information for Employment Purposes. Please contact Occuscreen if you have any questions on state restrictions.