Customer Testimonials

Occuscreen has been our background vendor for the last 3+ years. What sets them apart from other vendors we have worked with in the past is their quality of service and user interface. When hiring over 2,000+ new hires a year, we need a background company that has educated employees, is dependable and has an efficient process for onboarding – and we receive just that with Occuscreen.
Erica Danna

Director, Talent Acquisition Operations, loanDepot

We started our business relationship with Occuscreen in March of 2016. It’s been a fantastic choice for our company for both Background Checks and Drug Tests. Occuscreen does a lot of things right: quick turnarounds, competitive pricing, and a quality product.

But what has impressed me the most is their caring staff. With our previous vendor, whenever I had a question I had to call some huge call center and speak with a rep who had no more information than I could read on the online portal. It is a vastly different experience with Occuscreen. If I have questions (I’m a little high maintenance!) I call and a I get a friendly, knowledgeable, trusted person on the other end of the line who knows me and knows our business. I highly recommend Occuscreen for your business!

Diane Santiago

HR Specialist, Space Needle, Chihuly Garden and Glass

I highly recommend Occuscreen to employers looking for a background and drug screening company. I worked with the Occuscreen team for many years and they are extremely knowledgeable, provide excellent customer and are competitively priced. I trust them.

Katie Slick

Senior Consultant, Swift HR Solutions

Occuscreen is one of our most important partners in providing exceptional customer service to our clients. They are extremely responsive – when we reach out for support we always connect with a team member right away who thoroughly answers all of our questions. I also appreciate that they have long standing relationships with their staff; we’ve worked with the same key team members for a few years now, and when we’ve requested different services, customization to our account setup, or training on their website for service efficiencies, they are helpful and supportive every time.

Most important of all, they are a true partner with Xenium – we share common service values that help us provide great service to our clients and we know and trust them as if they were part of our internal team! I highly recommend them to any company seeking high quality and responsive background check services.

Anne Donovan

President, Xenium HR

Working with Occuscreen is always such a pleasure. They are super responsive and always willing to provide additional information. I have been working directly with Occuscreen since 2017 and I have never been let down. They are very attentive, informative and willing to assist me with my questions. Thanks guys!!

Tanisha Leath

Lead HR Compliance Specialist, Quik Travel Staffing